
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2396

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Alison Young

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic congestion will be exacerbated which could have highway safety implications and increase pollution.
Requirement for more parking will put pressure on on-street parking which is already problematic.
Will not be in keeping with the local area and density will be at odds with surrounding properties. Neighbouring residential amenity could also be affected.
There are not enough school places in the area and GP surgeries are overstretched . The development would put additional pressure on services.
Sports pitches will disappear.
Impact on trees and wildlife.
Flooding and drainage issues.
The site is not within accessibility criteria in the NPPF.

Full text:

Local Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Please consider the following objections to Proposed Housing Allocation 18

1. Traffic congestion is already a major problem in the area around Sharmans Cross Raod and Streetsbrook Rd with routes to and from Shirley, Solihull and Olton heavily congested at busy times. Increasing the number of homes will worsen these problems People accessing local amenities or their work will be adversely affected. The numbers of families/individuals using services in Sharmans Cross Road - school and childcare, sports clubs and the orthodontist - could increase the risk of accidents, particularly at the start and end of the school and working days. Increased pollution is also a factor.

2. Children and adults walking or cycling to and from school or work will be at greater risk of road traffic accidents and the effects of increased pollution.

3. Many more parking spaces will be needed putting further pressure onto on-street parking which is already a source of distress for some residents.

4. The proposed development is not in keeping with the surrounding area which is made up of family houses. The density of the development will be at odds with the surrounding area and its size will require multi-storey dwellings to be built. Current residents' privacy will be affected; they may experience noise pollution and be overlooked.

5. There are not enough school places in the area and 100 extra homes will put even more pressure on schools and cause difficulties to schools and families.

6. GP surgeries are already overstretched. 100 extra homes will put even more pressure on NHS resources.

7. Sports pitches will disappear. SMBC agreed In 2103 to retain the use of the rugby grounds solely for sport but the costs imposed by the owner, the developer who wants to build there, have been prohibitive. Solihull Arden Club has used lottery funding to build courts and then allowed them to fall into disuse. SMBC should actively promote participation in sport and discourage such actions.

8. There are many mature, possibly veteran, trees on the site which support and promote biodiversity; removing them and the open green space will damage this.

9. The area is prone to flooding, affecting gardens in Winterbourne Rd and Sharmans Cross Road. When Sharmans Cross Road floods, there is traffic chaos. Development of the suggested site can only worsen this situation.

10. National Planning Policy Framework - the development does not meet the access regulations as Solihull Station is 1000m and Solihull Town Centre is 1700m away from the proposed site. If Solihull station moves further away to Monkspath Hall Rd., the distance will be even greater.