
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2418

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: John Franklin

Representation Summary:

The developer could purchase further houses backing on to the development in Winterbourne Road with a view to creating a further exit for the 100 new houses that would feed directly into Winterbourne and Beaminster Road. These roads are unsuitable and would become a 'rat run' for future residents.
Whilst agreeing the need for more housing, the site is unsuitable for the number of houses proposed. There will be a loss of sports facilities and green space which conflicts with the Urbs in rure motto.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

My wife and I are very concerned at the implications of the proposed development on the former rugby club and present tennis club site. It would be quite easy for any developer having acquired the site to then go about purchasing one or more houses backing on to the development in Winterbourne Road with a view to creating a further exit for the 100 new houses that would feed directly into Winterbourne and Beaminster Road and for both of those roads to become a 'rat run' for the residents of the 100 houses. This would be very much to the detriment of the existing two roads which are simply not suitable in width to be capable of taking such an increase in vehicles with the number of children and elderly people living hereabouts.
Additionally whilst agreeing that there needs to be more housing in Solihull the site that you are proposing is not suitable for the number of houses that you propose. To lose so much green space in the area is very much in conflict with the motto of Urbs in rure and such encroachment is not welcome. Having lived in the town for well over 30 years we have seen a considerable amount of sports facilities lost, including the Lucas sports ground that was on Prospect Lane, now covered in houses.0