
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2426

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Paul Balsom

Representation Summary:

Any building work would cripple the road network around here which is already busy at peak times down Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road during school run and work rush hour times.
Also green belt land was one of the reason we moved here so to see fields carved up for housing and having the potential for being overlooked and also security issues is very worrying. There is also significant wildlife there and this would affect that.

Full text:

New Homes draft plan Shirley

As a resident on Langcomb Road I must write to object to these plans on many grounds.

Any building work would cripple the road network around here which is already busy at peak times down Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road during school run and work rush hour times.

Also green belt land was one of the reason we moved here so to see fields carved up for housing and having the potential for being overlooked and also security issues is very worrying. There is also significant wildlife there and this would affect that.

Please formally record my objection.

I appreciate your response.