
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2468

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Beryl Waters

Representation Summary:

Moving the Arden Tennis Club onto leasehold land means that the Club has lost its asset. Members are likely to go elsewhere makingthe club unviable.
Loss of sporting facility, contrary to Sport England policy.
Loss of parking for the Tennis club will result in increase parking on the surrounding roads.
Increased traffic congestion, noise and pollution and impact on cyclist safety on the designated cycle route.
Drainage issues.
Loss of TPO trees and habitat for wildlife.

Full text:

Local Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am a member of Solihull Arden Club and would like to express my objections to the above LDP for the following reasons:
1. Arden Tennis Club Ltd holds the freehold to the land on which the Arden Club is built. Moving the Club onto leasehold land means that the Club has lost its asset.
2. Building anywhere on the proposed LDP would mean loss of Sports Facilities, contrary to the policy of Sport England. Solihull is low down the list nationally for over16 participation in sport. Solihull MBC should be providing more sports facilities, not reducing them.
3. If the land on which Arden Club is situated is built on, members are likely to go elsewhere, possibly making the Club unviable, due to loss of membership fees.
4. The Club is likely to lose approximately 75 parking places, resulting in increased road parking on Sharmans Cross Road and congestion. Building houses anywhere on the proposed site will result in increased congestion along surrounding roads; Streetsbrook Road is already gridlocked from 7.45 till 9.00 each weekday morning.
There will be increased danger to cyclists on the designated cycle route.
5. Building next to the Club will increase noise and car pollution to the Tennis members and neighbours.
6. The drainage is already under pressure: loss of open land for drainage is not acceptable.
7. Trees with TPOs would be lost, as would habitat for wildlife.

I urge Solihull MBC to reject the LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18