
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2471

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Valerie Lynes

Representation Summary:

Green Belt site.
Any development will add to the traffic on these already overcrowded roads.

Full text:

Solihull Draft Local Plan

I wish to record my objections to the proposed sites for housing at Tythe Barn Lane and Shirley South identified as Site A and Site B.

Solihull's development at Dickens Heath has had a massive effect on the traffic using the narrow roads through Majors Green and any development on Site A will add to the traffic on these already overcrowded roads. Site A would mean that Solihull was developing right up the boundary with Worcestershire and the green belt. I would have thought a more logical difrection for development for Dickens Heath would be to take in the land on the other side of the Stratford on Avon Canal bound by Tanworth Lane, Braggs Farm Lane, Lady Lane and Dickens Heath Road, and then continue over the other side of Tanworth Lane to the land bound by Tanworth Lane, Blackford Road, Creynolds Lane and Stratford Road. This would make access to the considerable better roads and the motorway network much easier and would give a much better traffic flow.

As said my main concern is the effect the proposed development will have to the roads and infrastructure or Worcestershire and particularly Majors Green. Solihull seem to be proposing these developments for their own benefit and with a complete disregard for the effect on and cost to their neighbours.

Solihull's motto is said to be Town in the Country but this proposed development, right up to the Worcestershire boundary, is in complete contradiction to that.