
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2491

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Carol Johnston

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will add 200 more cars to Sharmans Cross Road and local roads already dangerous due to traffic and parking, will result in loss of sporting facilities important for health and well being as recognised by the Council's own strategy and policy to retain the ground for sports purposes, and local medical facilities and schools cannot cope with additional residents.

Full text:

Proposed housing allocation 18

I am writing to register my objections to the proposed housing development of 100 houses off Sherman's cross road. My objections focus on future traffic flows, the ability to absorb 100 more households into the current facilities in the area and the loss of sporting facilities which Solihull council have previously indicated their support to keeping.

Shamans cross road, without additional housing, which I would submit will add 200 more cars to local roads, is already at times dangerous due to traffic and parking. Buses already have to mount the curb to get passed parked cars, additional traffic joining shamans cross road from the new housing will only make this worse, as will the additional school traffic flowing from the proposed new homes ( regardless of what school they go to they will still have to travel along the road and this is most likely to be in cars and not on foot)

The loss of sporting facilities when we are being told that how important fitness is to our health and well being is totally wrong when there must be sites to build new homes which do not take away sporting facilities. Additionally the Solihull council physical activity and sport strategy 2014-19 is to provide and sustain high quality and accessible physical activity and sports facilities. The importance of maintaining the site for sporting activity is further supported from the SMBC minutes of 2013 where the policy to use the grounds for sport and not to sell the freehold allowing other use should also be noted and forms part of my objection to this development

Further it is my submission that local medical centres and schools cannot cope with an additional 200-500 more residents to the area that this development will bring.