
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2508

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Binoy Skaria

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate already unacceptable levels of traffic congestion on Sharmans Cross and Streetsbrook Roads in peak times, with increased danger to children walking to/from school, and will affect the value of housing in the neighbourhood.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I write to express my strong objection to the development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

Even at the present time, the traffic in Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road is unacceptably high especially during the rush hours, and there is no doubt that the development of new houses will lead to further congestion on our roads.

I have young children who use the roads to walk home from school and I fear that they will be exposed to increased danger with the extra traffic and congestion.

I bought my house at Solihull for a high price, and the price was justified because of the less congested appearance of the area. However the development of a further 100 houses in my neighbourhood is likely to affect the value of my property adversely and I think this is unfair on me and the other home owners.

I hope you will consider these concerns and put a stop to the plans for development of houses on Sharmans Cross Road.