
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2511

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: James Reeve

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will intensify traffic congestion particularly at the junction of Sharmans Cross and Streetsbrook Roads and in the vicinity of local schools, will increase danger to cyclists and pedestrians, will reduce sporting facilities which are vital for the health and well being of future generations, will put additional strain on schools and medical facilities, and will impact on the environment and wildlife, including TPOs.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my concerns and raise my objections to the proposed development on Sharmans Cross Road.

Primarily I am deeply concerned about the increase in traffic in the local area that further housing would definitely bring. In particular the junction of Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road is extremely busy which would almost certainly be intensified with further housing in the locality. In addition with schools in the local vicinity e.g. Sharmans Cross Junior School where traffic is already extremely busy at certain times, further development would compound these issues further.
Increased traffic would also be a danger to cyclists as the there are designated cycle routes in this area and pedestrians.

Secondly the loss of this area to housing would reduce the number of sporting facilities in Solihull. Such areas are vital for the health and welfare of future generations and should be preserved.

In addition further housing will also bring an additional strain on services such as schools, doctors and medical facilities in the locality.

I am also concerned about the effect on the environment and wildlife in the area. The area contains a large number of trees with Preservation Orders and building work would severely disrupt much of this.

I would like this application to be rejected in order that Sharmans Cross in Solihull remains a pleasurable place to live. I am happy to discuss any of my concerns in further detail should you wish to contact me.