
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2519

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Andy & Natasha Maidment

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as the surrounding roads are already heavily congested and the additional development will result in gridlock, rail services and park and ride are at capacity during peak hours and will not cope with additional passengers, will result in loss of green belt land, recreational and social facility and sports club grounds, and increase anti social behaviour and crime rates. Required housing should be accommodated on other sites especially brownfield before using this green belt land.

Full text:

I would like to raise our objections to the Local planning proposal that effects us directly as we back on to area of Woods Farm Christmas trees where plans for circa 600 new houses are being considered.

The surrounding roads near to the proposed area are already heavily congested and we are convinced that this will grind Shirley to a gridlock with the additional cars that the proposed new houses will bring to the area.

The trains that commute from Whitlocks End to Snow Hill Station are already full to capacity (seats are a premuim at times - Mainly Standing Room Only) during peak times as are the car parks at each station
so again this is another valid reason for lodging our objection as the rail network will not cope with the additional rail passengers the proposed new houses will bring to the area.

Not only are you considering buiding houses on Green belt land which will effect a vast number of people who use the land for recreational and social purposes, the additional plans to build more houses on land near to Whitlocks End Station which will see the closure of 4 Football Clubs and 1 Rugby club will be a recipe for disaster.

It goes without saying that anti social behaviour and crime rates will definitely increase as the expanded youth community that the new houses will bring look to entertain themselves with existing youth community who have seen their opportunities to play sport disappear.

Whilst we appreciate the increasing population will require new houses we strongly believe that for the reasons detailed above other sites especially brownfield sites need to be exhausted before you consider building on the beautiful green belt land to the back of our house.