
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2521

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Julie Westman

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will result in loss of much needed sports facility when obesity such an issue, potential club users have been deterred by extortionate rent, Sport England has found that over 16 participation is falling compared with other areas, should be encouraging play rather than taking facilities away, contrary to Council policy to retain freehold and use for sport, will increase traffic and pollution on roads that are gridlocked at peak hours and during school pick up times, roads are unsuitable for increase and danger to pedestrians, children and cyclists.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I write with reference to the possible development of 100 houses on the rugby ground at Sharmans Cross Road and wish to register my objection to this development.
Over the past 30 years I have lived and brought up a family in the Solihull area the latter 20 years living in Winterbourne Road. My children have been lucky enough to have good sport facilities on their door step and have both excelled in sport, my son in particular playing at county and England school boy level. I find it hard to believe that in an age when we have so many obese children and with their heads stuck in a computer that you hare considering taking away another sporting facility.
This land has stood idle for the last few years because of greedy business men. We know of many football clubs who have tried and failed to rent the ground because of extortionate rents 60K plus. Why is this allowed?
Sport England have found that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over 16's participation in sport three times per week and continues to fall in the national league tables this should not happen in an area like this. We should be encouraging all those who want to play sport not taking facilities away.
I believe SMBC minuted in 2013 its policy to the use of the Sharmans Cross land for sport and they would not sell their freehold . I would like reaffirmation of this policy which implies this development is inappropriate for inclusion in the LDP.
Another reason why this development should not go through is due to the increased traffic and pollution. All the roads surrounding this development are grid locked at certain times of the day. Sharmans Cross Rd, Streetsbrook, Dorchester Rd, Blossomfield Rd are all jammed early morning and from school pick up times in the afternoon. How would these roads cope with another 150 plus cars. The roads surrounding this proposed development are totally unsuitable for such an increase in traffic. There would be increased danger to pedestrians, school children and cyclists, a serious effect on highway safety.
As a resident of Solihull, living close to this development I wish my objection to this proposal to be noted.
Please confirm receipt of my objection.