
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2525

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Darren Maskell

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will have detrimental effect on local community in many ways, notably educational and healthcare facilities which are already stretched and will need expanding, and local rail services which are at capacity during peak times.

Full text:

Hi, I'm a resident of Shirley and am writing to object to the proposed allocation 13 development.

The development will have a detrimental effect on our local community in many ways but my main concern is the effect it will have on educational and healthcare facilities.

Can you please tell me if there any plans to extend the already stretched schools system in the area when the new homes are built and also are there any plans to build new doctors surgeries to facilitate the new influx of residents?

I also us the rail network from Shirley to travel to Birmingham everyday, at peak times you very rarely can get a seat, again, is there a plan to make this situation better if the population increases?

I'm not seeing a lot of positives for the existing community with the intended plans.