
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 253

Received: 11/01/2017

Respondent: Mr Jeffrey Barlow

Representation Summary:

Will be an eyesore if it goes ahead. We have a great view at the moment which we have had for 40 years. The house prices will fall in this area which we are not happy about.
The infrastructure is at breaking point (schools and health services).
Increased traffic and congestion.

Full text:

I mr barlow ,am responding to the new housing estate to be built on the fields faceing our houses in woodloes road,For one it will be an eyesore if it goes ahead,we have a great view at the moment which we have had for 40 years,the house prices will fall in this area which we are not happy about wheres our compensation going to come from,we all have been very happy living around here for years ,.the problems I see are ,the inforstructure in this area we are at breaking point at the moment,the schools are at breakeing point,the doctors in tamworth lane is all ways full you have to stand in a queue to make an appointment,what will it be like with 600 new homes just in that one place not counting the other develepments which will be takeing place now and in the future.and in tamworth lane the traffic is queing from the top of the road after the doctors right down past stretton road,that is now ,add 600 new home x2 cars there 1200 more cars to deal with,the roads can not cope nowhere is the sence of coursing more disruption,then you have the hospitals they are all at breakeing point,why is it that no proper throught would have gone into this before they are built,we all know that if these 600 homes are built it we create huge problems which will not be put right the council will in there own way bury there heads in the sand and leave the problem festering for years to come and the nice area will become gridlocked because not enough thought and money will be spent to make sure that this or these problems are sorted,we are strongly against this proposal and we all hope that this gets squashed.yours mr mrs barlow.