
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 256

Received: 11/01/2017

Respondent: Holly Davis

Representation Summary:

Disappointed that the land is now being turned into a housing estate removing this land from not only myself but also many dog walkers.

I'm interested in hearing how 600 new houses are being built yet no new schools to accommodate this amount of people moving into the area. The removal of the new doctors surgery is also a concern.
This has been a poorly planned decision and that the fields in south Shirley should remain and the plan be moved to a more appropriate area.

Full text:

I am emailing you regarding the plan for a new housing estate in south Shirley.

I have lived on Woodloes Road for 15 years and have always made active use of the fields that are directly opposite my house. I am extremely disappointed that this is now being turned into a housing estate removing this land from not only myself but also many dog walkers.

I'm interested in hearing how 600 new houses are being built yet no new schools to accommodate this amount of people moving into the area. The removal of the new doctors surgery is also a concern as it means patients at this surgery will now have to find another doctors as well as the people that will be moving into the area.

I feel this has been a poorly planned decision and that the fields in south Shirley should remain and the plan be moved to a more appropriate area.