
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2562

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Doug Rawkins

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as local infrastructure is inadequate and allocating further development would be irresponsible, school places and medical facilities are oversubscribed, development will exacerbate traffic problems on a very busy local through road and bus route with school and sports clubs where parking restricts carriageway and congestion backs up from Streetsbrook Road, will worsen existing flooding problems, loss of wildlife, loss of sports facility that Council has indicated should be retained for sporting use without adequate replacement, Arden club is not party to proposal and development must enable access and turning of refuse vehicles.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

My objections are related to the infra-structure necessary, vital, to support any such development, indeed to proceed with Proposed Housing Allocation 18 without SMBC positively addressing the infra-structure issues would be grossly irresponsible.

The infra-structure necessary includes local medical facilities. Local surgeries are already oversubscribed and further demands would simply degrade the current level of service to local residents. Where are the plans for additional local surgeries within 1 - 2 kilometer range of the development?

Is there availability of places in local schools, at all levels from pre-school to six form? Is there a dearth of places available to cope with an increased demand from families in such a development or is this proposed development not designed for families? How many new schools are planned for and their locations?

Sharmans Cross Road is a busy local thoroughfare and bus route with a junior school and sports clubs. The road is very busy during peak times and when the sports clubs are in use. Parking during these times restricts the width of the road to at best a single track with considerable hold ups caused by buses and lorries competing with cars for the reduced space available. The pavement is a designated cycle route, however, with many vehicles parking on the pavement, pedestrians and cyclists compete for the reduced space. Rarely a day goes past without a number of emergency services vehicles using the road with the potential for delays during busy times. Any significant increase in traffic would simply exacerbate the problems on an already very busy, and potentially dangerous, road. Although the road has a junior school there are no traffic calming measures which means drivers can and do exceed the speed limit.

At peak times the junction of Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road/Stonor Park Road/Dorchester Road is very busy resulting in long queues. Streetsbrook Road traffic is usually backed-up from the junction with Station Approach. Any increase in local traffic, inevitable with the proposed development, would exacerbate the problem. Any suggestion that all the residents would use public transport or walk is fanciful.

Sharmans Cross Road is susceptible to flooding, manifested at the junction with Streetsbrook Road. A development, of the scale proposed, would worsen the problem.

Other points, not necessarily infra-structure, include:-

I reasonably assume that any such development would require an Environmental/Ecological Survey. I have seen badgers, and other wild life, in the area and assume their habitats would be protected as required by an Environmental/Ecological Survey.

In 2013 SMBC had a minuted policy supported by all political parties that they would not sell the freehold or lift the covenant that the ground should only be used for sporting purposes. These are still in place. I seek confirmation that these policies for the old Rugby Ground will remain in place.

SMBC has a statutory requirement to ensure lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility. Perhaps SMBC would care to provide details of their plans in place to provide the replacement facilities.

Regarding the submission, reference 16/109, dated September 2016, by CERDA Planning, on behalf of Oakmoor (Sharmans Cross) Ltd and Arden Lawn Tennis Club Ltd. It is my understanding that the directors of Arden Lawn Tennis Club Ltd have stated publicly that they were not party to this submission. As a result of that statement surely the submission should be disregarded?

I reasonably assume that access to, movement within and exit from the development in a forward gear would apply to Amey refuse/recycling collection vehicles. If parking is on road as opposed to frontage or garages then this vital Council service may be impaired to the extent of being impractical.