
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2575

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Bailey

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as overall proposals for South Shirley amounting to 41% of housing allocations are disproportionate and out of step with demands for HS2 development in NE of Borough, threaten to overwhelm current road, transport, schools and medical services infrastructure, being on top of current developments at Dickens Heath, Cheswick Green and BVP, will impact on local residential roads that cannot sustain significant increases in commuter traffic and are already rat runs and will require significant increase in local public transport, educational and medical services.

Full text:

As a resident of the Shakespeare Manor Estate I wish to voice my strong objections to your proposals to build new homes on sites designated as Allocation 11; 12; 13 and 4, which amount to 41% of the total Borough Council's proposed building plans in the Draft Local Plan.
I am not a NIMBY, merely a concerned resident who recognises the threat to the current infrastructure of roads, transport, schools and medical services in this area.
I am also aware that these proposals come on top of current developments taking place in Dickens Heath and Cheswick Green, not to mention planned Blythe Valley developments!!
I am particularly concerned about the impact on current residential roads which were not designed and cannot sustain significant increases in commuter traffic. Many are already 'rat-runs' for Dickens Heath and beyond.
I hope that due consideration will also be given to the need for an increase in local services including public transport, educational and medical services provision? With some 2,550 houses planned for South Shirley the logistics are mind-blowing! Let's assume that in 2,550 houses there will be an estimated a minimum of 850 school-age children.
It would appear that the sites in Shirley are a convenient 'cop-out' when it comes to arguing the demands from HS2 developments to the north-east of the Borough. The proposals are disproportionate and should be re-evaluated.
yours faithfully,