
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2581

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Carolyn Locke

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 12 as part of overall 41% of housing allocations in South Shirley as unfair and should be spread more fairly across Borough, will add to already congested roads causing higher levels of pollution implicated in various chronic conditions, increase pressure on struggling medical services, require significant investment in new schools and impact on catchments, increased number of residents travelling long distances to Waste & Recycling Centre, impact on natural environment, wildlife and flooding, on top of developments already taking place will undermine attractiveness, health and well-being of the area.

Full text:

Ref: Letter in The Solihull News 10/02/17 "Housing plans are a cause for concern" & information generally circulating in area.

Based on this information being correct.

My wife and I are deeply concerned that you are considering development Shirley and green belt around us, with more than 6,000 homes over the next 20 years.

Recognising that the council has to meet government targets, all we are asking is that the developments are spread fairly over the Solihull Area.

The 41% in the plan, in just 4 x new developments near us being advised, seems hardly fair.

No doubt this list of concerns have already been logged with you:

* Added congestion to already busy roads, also resulting in higher levels of pollution and suggested links with related chronic conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, which my father who lived in Shirley died of
* Pressure on local doctors & dentists, never mind the pressure on struggling Hospitals
* The need for more schools and the knock on effect it will have on catchment area's
* Refuge: As it is we are at the extreme end of the Borough in relation to the refuse site at Bickenhill, resulting in a 1.5hr return journey down the M42 with all the congestion that it causes: Compounded with the fact that the Bickenhill site offers limited out of hours access and Shirley Residents cannot use Birmingham sites just a few miles away in Kings Norton and Tyseley
Would not it be beneficial anyway, for the environment, if a reciprocal arrangement was made with Birmingham Council for either residents to use each other sites
* The effect's on the natural wildlife, and flooding with large area's covered with buildings and tarmac
* Would Shirley be a desirable place to live in the future, with the increase in pollution, traffic and pressure on local services, with no green fields for general well being - We think not.
We are under the impression that based on the number of developments that have already taken place in the Shirley Area over the last few years and the proposed future developments, that Solihull Council have already decided that the Health and Welfare of the residents of Shirley is expendable.

Would not it be logistically sound, to have several smaller sites evenly spread over the Borough, as area's like Knowle, Dorridge, Bentley Heath, Bickenhill, are equally located conveniently to get onto the motorway system.

This would prove that Solihull Council do care about the people of Shirley and the future generations to come.

We would welcome your response.