
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2586

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Cpt D A Benton

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as part of horrendous proposals for 2550 houses in South Shirley, which will exacerbate traffic already overloaded by Dickens Heath development, local shops, medical services, schools and parking infrastructure will be inadequate to support additional population, developments will result in loss of open space, countryside and peace and fresh air. Only benefit is extra employment and rates income, Council should make case to Government that enough development already and find more suitable areas.

Full text:

To date I have not received any official information outlining the councils plans or reasons for new house building to meet central governments demands. However, I understand the figures quoted are 2,550 houses on 4 sites in four principle locations.
Having been a local resident for many years I can just about remember the village of Shirley, with its main street, a single road used only by horse and cart. Look at the whole area now, when shall we be applying for City status, " The Shirley and Solihull City".
I view the proposed building expansion programme to be horrendous, certainly not to the benefit of existing residents.
The first thing that comes to mind is the build up of traffic on existing roads, I'm still trying to come to terms with the existing overload of traffic from Dickens Heath village. The local infrastructure, shops, doctors, schools, parking will be inadequate to service an additional 8000 new residents, unless they all go to work during the day and return like a flock of starlings to roost at night. The only advantages that I see is extra employment for labour in the short term and some £4,000,000 extra in rate income (I wonder if we might get a rate reduction for all the trouble?)

We must not lose sight of the fact that life is for living. People have a need for a little open space, a walk in the country, a breath of fresh air and not be faced with continual traffic and noise.

No I would not adopt a selfish attitude and stand in the way of progress but, this is not progress but a means to an end until the next crises. Our local council have every right to tell central government enough is enough and go back to the drawing board and find other more suitable areas to house a growing population.