
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2638

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Hazel & Ian MacKenzie

Representation Summary:

Object to large amount of houses on Site 4 as will exacerbate congestion as road infrastructure is limited in the area with access to A34/M42 difficult enough at busy periods and access and parking at Whitlocks End station is a problem, no provision for expansion of schools or medical services for new population, and proposals do not include essential infrastructure improvements.

Full text:

Solihull Local Draft Plan

As a resident in Majors Green I want to enter our protest against the proposed plan to fill up Thythe Barn Lane adjacent to Dickens Heath with a large amount of houses with no apparent thought given to the limited road infrastructure in the area.
Getting to and from access to the Stratford Road and the motorway system is difficult enough at busy periods, and access and parking at the Whitlocks End station car park is also a problem with the car park filling quickly at these times.

The amount of proposed building will no doubt exacerbate this congestion with the average of 2 cars per home adding to an already busy area. Also there seems no provision for an increase in medical practices or schools to support this growth explosion.

We are more than happy to agree that there is a great need for locost housing in the area, and if you had announced a plan for an increased road expansion, another Doctors surgery etc we would be happy to endorse your proposals, however this is not the case in your proposal so we will be protesting it in any way we can.