
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2639

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Mark Phillips

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as there is a need for sports pitches and the high quality pitches on the site would have been utilised by a club but for the unrealistically high rent demanded, the density of development proposed is out of character with the area, local infrastructure would need significant and costly upgrading, and housing would potentially have a serious affect on Pow Grove, a SINC.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Sharmans Cross Road

Re: Proposed use of Sports Pitches at Sharmans Cross Road for Housing.

I would like to express my objection to the above proposal for the following reasons;

1. There is a current need (which will only increase as the housing density of Solihull increases) for sports pitches, I believe that the pitches concerned at this site would have been utilised many times over if the current leaseholder was not holding out for planning permission. These are excellent quality pitches which are not easily replaced.
2. The density of housing which is proposed is totally out of character with the area and the local infrastructure would need significant and costly upgrading to cope
3. POW Grove, which is a SINC next to the proposed site, would potentially be seriously adversely affected by any development here