
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2650

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Claire Hodgskin

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 on a beautiful piece of green belt land as development will exacerbate already unsustainable levels of traffic with gridlock on Stratford Road and route to Solihull, insufficient school places or medical facilities to cope with additional people, and loss of land used for local recreational purposes accessible by foot and cycle with consequent health benefits.

Full text:

I am appalled that you are considering building on this beautiful piece of
green belt land on Shirley. - Allocation 13

The roads do not sustain the current levels of traffic, adding to this
problem is ludicrous! The Statford road is already at a stand still at peak
times and trying to move from Shirley towards Solihull at times if futile!

There are not enough school places or Gp's to cope for the additional

The plans will take away land that is currently used by myself for
recreational purposes, exercising my dog and family.
We walk or cycle to these areas and welcome the fact that we can leave the
car at home. I thought there was a focus on getting people moving and being
healthy, you will be taking this valuable resource away from us if this
plan goes ahead!

If you agree this plan you will be devastating this beautiful part of the

Please reconsider!

Yours hopefully