
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2655

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Graham Roberts

Representation Summary:

Object to concentration of housing around Shirley/Cheswick Green/BVP, instead of sharing across Borough, which will create problems of lack of medical services, and overloaded roads not fit for increasing traffic.

Full text:

Mass building in shirley and local areas.

Sirs.I write in support of the many objections you will have received with regard to council planning applications to develop as many green areas as possible in and around Shirley, Chiswick Green ,Blyth Valley rather than sharing required development over the whole of the metropolitan borough. anyway the council lack of foresight will ultimately create many problems associated not only with health care,when all these housing plans which do not include GP surgeries ,even if they did , they cannot be manned,because of the lack of Medical Professionals.We read daily in our newspapers hospitals cannot cope , A&E departments being closed down,staff shortages everywhere.
Local roads overloaded with ever increasing traffic on roads not fit for purpose.
In spite of the fact ministers are coming under increasing pressure from members of parliament, Solihull Council continue to plod on with there building ambitions .We need more MPs like Andrew Mitchell who wants to adhere to tory manifesto pledge
to protect the Green Belt..