
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 266

Received: 13/01/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Tony & Jacky Barnes

Representation Summary:

The open space is a valuable community amenity.
We understand the need for additional housing but feel those proposed are excessive and will be of severe detriment to the existing area, residents and local wildlife and potentially a drain on the local services (bus services, Doctors Surgery emergency services).
Impact of additional traffic.
Flood risk.
At least, retain the amenity area between Woodloes Road and Baxters Green as this is of great benefit to all local residents and for any potential new residents when any new housing is completed.

Full text:

We have recently viewed the proposed plans for the additional homes in the above area.
Having previously lived in a more built up area of Solihull, with all the associated issues such as heavy traffic, no local amenity space etc., we made the decision 3 years ago to move to Shirley Heath for our retirement. One of the attractions was the nearby public amenity space for walking for both ourselves (as active pensioners) and our proposed dog.
We now have the dog and use the open space several times a day - which is of benefit to all concerned health wise and very much a social event for people and their dogs. Some of these people are elderly and live alone and the only contact with other people is when they are utilising the benefits of the open space and meeting with other like minded people. It is also one of the only safe areas, away from traffic, where families can walk together for exercise/leisure.
We are horrified to see the plans. We understand the need for additional housing but feel those proposed are excessive and will be of severe detriment to the existing area, residents and local wildlife and potentially a drain on the local services (bus services, Doctors Surgery etc). With the closure of Shirley Police Station what proposals are there for policing of all these new units and potential effects on demands for emergency services etc? We would also point out that with the number of homes proposed the potential for future vehicles due to families 'coming of age' and obtaining licences/vehicles is horrendous and do not believe any amount of amendment to the existing road infrastructure will be able to cope with such large volumes of additional traffic.
We also have grave concerns over the number of properties and the loss of green open space and the effect this could have on flooding in the area etc., due to large areas of 'soakaway' land becoming unavailable due to tarmacing, concreting etc.
We very much ask you to reconsider the numbers proposed in this area and, at least, retain the amenity area between Woodloes Road and Baxters Green as this is of great benefit to all local residents and for any potential new residents when any new housing is completed.