
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2668

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Roger Lock

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as part of destruction of green belt land around Shirley, as developments at Parkgate, Powergen, the relocation of Shirley library, Sainsbury and KFC have already made it a less pleasant place to live, and further development will exacerbate traffic on already crowded roads in the area, although traffic surveys are mostly done outside peak periods when the problems are worst.

Full text:

Green belt devastation Whitlock's end, Shirley Heath Light Hall Farm

Although I recognise that it is pointless to complain I am nevertheless
doing so about the destruction of green belt land around Shirley.

An alternative plan would be to fill in the space between Solihull and
Coventry along the A45 corridor, in and around the NEC and beyond.

Why is it pointless? Planners ignore the views of residents (though they
call it 'taking residents' views into account'} as they have done with
respect to Parkgate, the Powergen site the relocation of the library, the
Sainsbury site and KFC all of which contribute to making Shirley a less
pleasant place in which to live.

Already the roads are crowded, Tanworth Lane Bill's Lane, Shakespeare Drive
and the Stratford Road but planners are never there early in the morning or
at school/work going home times - the traffic surveys they carry out are
mostly done in work time hours where the problem issues are not evident.