
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2687

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Susan Sloan

Representation Summary:

Object to development as would exacerbate traffic congestion and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road at Streetsbrook Road and Woodside Way junctions made worse by on street parking despite complaints and school and tennis club traffic, lead to rat running on unsuitable roads and further hazard for cycle route, reduce parking for Arden club, developer has blocked attempts made by sports clubs to use land in line with Council policy and loss will further deplete already poor provision of pitches, density of development will worsen flood risk, is out of character, will strain local infrastructure and fails accessibility criteria.

Full text:

Oakmoor/Solihull Arden Club Land at former rugby club on Sharmans Cross Road LDP proposed housing allocation 18

I write to cite my objections to the proposed land development at the above site. I own and live in Woodside Way and have done so for over 26 years. We live at the Sharmans Cross end and therefore only a short distance from this proposed development.
My objections include the following;
1. As I understand it the plan is for 100 homes. There is already a traffic congestion problem not only on the junction of Sharmans Cross Road with Streetsbrook Road but also at peak times at the junction of Woodside Way with Sharmans Cross Road. This is exacerbated by the fact that the Sharmans Cross end of Woodside Way is in effect a one way street due to the parking of cars by people either using the station or working in Solihull. The council has been contacted about this problem numerous times over many years and has failed to take any action by way of a yellow line. If this development were to go ahead, and I think the number of cars would be at least 2 per household, then the strain in these junctions would be intolerable and unsafe. There is a school nearby and the access is also used by people using the tennis club. There is a likelihood also that because of the likely congestion that drivers would try to use Woodside Way as cut through and again this would be dangerous because of the effective one way street.
Is this area also not a designated cycle route?
2. Would not Solihull Arden lose a significant number of parking spaces? This again would increase dangerous parking on both Sharmans Cross Road and Woodside Way.
3. We were present at the extremely well attended meeting of the Sharmans X Action group in relation to this application. It was very disappointing to be hear that various attempts had been made unsuccessfully by local sporting groups to use the land owned by Oakmoor despite the fact that I understand that this land has been designated for sporting use and that Oakmoor did write to SMBC in
2007/8 stating that the ground would be used for sporting purposes. The Council in 2013 did minute its policy that this land would be used for sporting purposes only. The Council has already refused one application for this site and another has been withdrawn.
The provision of sporting pitches in Solihull is poor on a nationwide survey. There are 5 applications before the council of this nature and this will seriously deplete the stock of available sites. Once this land goes for housing it is gone and cannot be reclaimed. Surely there is no point in building many extra houses if there are reduced facilities to support the new residents. Sporting facilities are extremely important especially for the young and should not be solely available by way of private clubs.
4. There is a high risk of flooding in the event of this development. The old Streets brook runs along the end of our garden and the local gardens are very prone to flooding in wet weather. With climate change and the high density of the proposed development this situation could only get worse.
5. The NPPF requires developments to have access to amenities within 800 metres/10 minutes walk. The site is 1700 metres from Solihull town centre and 1000 metres from the station so these criteria are not met.
6. There is a very high density proposed on this site. I understand more than 5 times that of adjoining roads. This will not only totally change the nature of the area but will put excessive strain on roads, local health services and schools. To fit in such a high density some properties will inevitably be over 2 floors thus resulting in a loss of privacy to current residents
7. There will be an increased risk of pollution from stationary cars waiting in queues to firstly get onto Sharmans Cross Road and then onto Streetsbrook Road. This area is used by cyclists and children and parents walking to the local primary school.
Can you please acknowledge receipt of this objection and keep me fully up to date with any developments.