
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2694

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Bal Panaser

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as development will increase existing air pollution, additional traffic and pollution is not good for local school, loss of sports facility is unacceptable and alternative sports user has been blocked by leaseholder, facilities must be retained to encourage young people and others to participate in sport, Council policy has been to retain site for sports use, and increase traffic adding to already high volumes especially at peak times.

Full text:

Development of 100 Houses on Sharmans Cross Road Solihull

I am writing to you to express my concerns with the proposal for a development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull.

There are numerous reasons why this application should not be granted permission to proceed:

1. The pollution issue is a real concern, in fact evidence of this is obvious in looking that the residues left on plants on Sharmans Cross road (Black deposits)
2. This is a school road, the additional traffic and pollution is not good for this school.
3. A particular concern is the continued loss of sporting facilities. With sport being such a high profile push in all areas. This cannot be an acceptable decision.
a. Also any attempts to get greater use for sport from this facility, appears to be blocked through lack of engagement by lease owners.
b. We should be encouraging all young people (and others) to engage in sport, without facilities this cannot happen.
4. My understanding is that SMBC had made commitments and has a policy stating that these grounds would only be used for sport, has this policy changed.
5. The area already has a high level of traffic, an additional 100 houses will significantly add to this issue, especially at peak times.

Please reconsider this application and take into account from above just a few of the issues this would create.