
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2717

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Roger Hopper

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as current Council policy to restrict to sports use should be retained as Borough short of sports facilities compared with elsewhere and lies in good location for users, development will add traffic to local roads where peak time congestion is out of control close to school with its extra traffic and danger to pedestrians, represents unacceptable overdevelopment out of scale and character with surroundings, and would overload local schools and medical facilities that are already oversubscribed.

Full text:

Reference: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (adjacent Sharmans Cross Rd)

As a local resident and member of Solihull Arden Club, I wish to object to the inclusion in the Local Development Plan of a proposed development of 100 dwellings on the site of the rugby ground off Sharmans Cross Rd for the following reasons:

1. Use of land - The current SMBC policy, that the land (previously used for rugby) should be restricted for sporting use, should be reaffirmed and the freehold retained with this in mind. Solihull is short of sports fields and rates poorly, nationally and comparison with its peers, in terms of participation in sport. Removal of the threat of housing development would facilitate the return of the land to active use for sporting activities. The good geographical accessibility of the site would be particularly advantageous by minimising travelling for participants.

2. Increased traffic congestion - The vast majority of additional traffic from the proposed development would travel via Streetsbrook Rd or Damson Lane/Prospect Rd. Peak time congestion on these roads is already spiralling out of control with no meaningful prospect of relief. Additionally, the immediately adjacent Sharmans Cross Rd suffers from peak time congestion due to Sharmans Cross School with associated danger to pedestrians.

3. Suitability of proposed development - The proposed 100 homes on such a small site represents unacceptable overdevelopment that is out-of-scale and out-of-character with the surrounding mature suburb.

4. Overload of local facilities - Local schools and medical facilities are already oversubscribed. Further development would merely worsen the problem.