
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2734

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Jane Mills

Representation Summary:

Object to housing in South Shirley as over 2,500 houses or 41% of proposed allocations is unfair and will have negative affect on local community through increased traffic on all local roads, Shirley station car park is currently inadequate let alone for a huge increase in users, increased noise, pollution and rat running on local roads across Shirley, construction traffic will be intrusive and unwelcome, and local schools and medical services unlikely to have capacity for increase in population.

Full text:

The proposed building on Green belt around Shirley

As a resident of Hurdis Road in Shirley, I would like to express my concern over the proposed building on green belt around the Whitlocks end and Shirley Heath areas of Shirley.

I believe that the proposed increase in over 2,500 houses is unfair as 41% are in sites that neighbour our local community. This will have a negative impact upon the local community as follows:

* Loss of precious green belt
* Increased traffic on all local roads
* The car park at Shirley station is not big enough for purpose today let alone for a potentially huge increase in train travellers.
* Residents such as myself in Hurdis road will suffer increased noise and pollution as more people use this road as a 'rat run' from one end of Shirley to the other.
* Construction traffic will be intrusive and unwelcome.
* I doubt whether local schools will have the capacity for a considerable potential increase in pupils on roll.
* The above point applies to doctors surgeries and local hospitals.