
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2752

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Edward Fraser

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as totally unacceptable as will deplete the green belt with its intrinsic benefits, cause major traffic problems and exacerbate existing unacceptable delays, overload medical services and impact on local schools. Whilst it is recognised that housing is required, Shirley has more than its fair share and is not the place for growth associated with HS2.

Full text:

Housing Plans for Shirley and nearby areas.

As a Shirley resident for more than 30 years I am shocked , horrified and angry that further housing development is planned on our ever decreasing green belt.
The developments on Allocations 4 , 11 , 12 ,13 will not only deplete our green belt with its intrisic benefits but will cause major problems with traffic on the existing roads ,overload medical services and drastically affect local schools.
In particular Allocations 12and 13 are totally unacceptable. Allocation 11 may be feasible and a reduced Allocation4 may also be acceptable.
We know Solihull has to build new houses but we already have more than or fair share in the area and if some is to facilitate the increase of population anticiopated by HS2 then this side of the borough is not where to build.
Roads are a particular problem! Is it acceptable to wait 10minutes to exit ones road onto Bills Lane? That has happened recently on a few occasions imagine what it would be like if these housing developments take place.
Yours Faithfully