
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2753

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Paul Umbers

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as additional loading on existing drainage system upgraded some years ago to address flooding may have undesirable consequences, proposals may include vehicular access from site to Winterbourne Road/Beaminster Road, which are unsuitable for increased traffic and would increase hazards and risk of accidents, as witnessed when major functions at Tudor Grange, roads especially Sharmans Cross Road with its school unsuitable for construction vehicles or additional traffic, and will exacerbate traffic problems associated with junctions with Streetsbrook Road/Dorchester Road.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation18

With regards to the above proposal, I feel I must place on record my objections.
In recent years there has been a lot of concern about various proposals to develop this site by residents living in the area. In particular, some of my concerns are as follows:-
Some time ago at great expense a pumping station was installed at the road junction of Beaminster Road and Dorchester Road in order to prevent houses in Arley Road becoming flooded with sewage. Therefore one of my concerns is that any additional loading on the existing drainage system may have some undesirable consequences down the line that could take years to sort out.
I also understand that the Developers are hoping to create an exit from the development site, by acquiring a house/s adjacent to the path that leads into the tennis club to allow traffic from the 100 houses to use it thus, avoiding going onto Sharmans Cross Road and in effect make Winterbourne and Beaminster Road a 'rat run', like Dorchester Road has now become a short cut from Streetsbook Road heading into Solihull town, this is a result of an increased traffic volume.
Beaminster Road and Winterbourne Road are quite narrow and with increased traffic along them, it would make these roads hazardous because of any parked vehicles on them, which will prevent simultaneous two-way traffic and in addition, resident's cars which are emerging from their drives may result in traffic accidents.
One only has to look at the present problems that occur in Beaminster Road and Dorchester Road at any time there is a function at Tudor Grange complex i.e. Firework night. On these occasions it is almost impossible to get ambulances or fire engines up the roads if required.
All the roads in this area would be unsuitable for the construction vehicles during the construction period especially Sharmans Cross Road with the school and amount of children in the vicinity. This would also be a problem with increased traffic flow if the construction were to go ahead.
The junction of Sharmans Cross, Streetsbrook, and Dorchester Road is a difficult junction at the best of times and any increase in traffic will only make this a bigger problem and increase the number of accidents that have occurred there.