
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2758

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Zoe Edwards

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as too intense, density out of keeping with character of neighbourhood, additional residents and deliveries will exacerbate traffic problems in Sharmans Cross Road and surrounding roads which are already gridlocked at certain times and unsuitable for cycling and walking due to traffic and pollution, destroy further quality of life in the area, increase danger to pedestrians and children walking to/from school, increase pressure on oversubscribed schools and medical services, worsen flooding during heavy rain, remove a valuable green space that Council policy has been to retain for sport, and loss of wildlife habitat.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to register my objection to the proposed housing allocation 18 and planning application.

It would be unsuitable for such an intense development to occur in this location as the density is out of keeping with the character of the neighbourhood, which consists of detached and semi-detached houses.

The traffic in Sharmans Cross Road, and surrounding roads, including Solihull town centre is already at grid lock point at certain times. I live in Sharmans Cross Road and work in Homer Road in the town centre. I have experienced it taking me an hour by car to get home on occasion, which is outrageous when the distance is just a mile. I have a bike but am extremely reluctant to use it for work as the traffic is far too bad for me to feel confident enough to cycle on these roads, which have little effective provision for cycling. I walk from time to time but it is uncomfortable breathing the heavy traffic fumes.

Solihull cannot cope with the traffic levels as they are currently, it will destroy further the quality of life within Solihull if more traffic, be it cars or public transport is added to the already congested roads.

The traffic around Sharmans Cross Junior school is a major problem. I have witnessed cars, buses and lorries mounting the pavement to get around oncoming traffic. Pedestrians on the pavement and cars reversing from drives onto the road are put in considerable danger.

The additional housing would also put even more pressure on already oversubscribed schools and medical centres with the locality.

Given the ever increasing volume of deliveries from internet shopping, the additional traffic to cover a further 100 households would be overwhelming.

Sharmans Cross Road has problems with flooding in heavy rain and it would be short sighted to worsen this problem with increased development.

Given the problems with traffic pollution in the area, it would be inadvisable to remove valuable green spaces from near the centre of Solihull.

I would like to know that Solihull Council will not renege on their agreement in 2013 to uphold the covenant that the grounds should only be used for sport and they would not sell the freehold.

Amongst other species, there are badgers, foxes and bats (all having been sighted in sharmans Cross Road by myself) living within the area and these will all lose valuable habitat should this development be instigated.

It would seem short sighted to lose valuable facilities very close to Solihull Town Centre. Once land is built on, it will be lost forever and the green open spaces and tree lined roads which characterise this area and attracts people into the town will be lost.