
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2759

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Sarah Glynn

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as Sharmans Cross Road is already very busy and junction with Streetsbrook Road hazardous and could not cope with impact of additional traffic, will exacerbate problems associated with on-street parking especially at school drop off/collection times, increased danger to pedestrians especially children from traffic and construction vehicles, schools and medical services are already oversubscribed and will require investment/expansion to cope, land designated for sport with Council policy to retain use and loss of facility will make ensuring healthy lifestyles more difficult, and development is excessive and completely out of proportion with local area.

Full text:

I am emailing to object to the development of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road.

My reasons for objecting are as follows:
* Sharmans Cross Road is already a very busy road, especially in peak periods. The junction of Sharmans Cross and Streetsbrook road is particularly hazardous with traffic joining from multiple directions. I have serious concerns as to whether the road could cope with any additional traffic and the impact it would have on the area.
* Linked to the above, there is considerable on-street parking on Sharmans Cross, especially at school drop off/collection times for the local junior school. Additional traffic would exacerbate the existing pressure on that road, causing further bottlenecks and congestion
* We should particularly be mindful of the additional traffic given the location of the school, with children crossing. If building work was undertaken on this site, that would also increase danger to the children and their families driven by construction traffic
* Local schools are already over-subscribed - if this development was to go ahead, what investment are your proposing to increase school places?
* Medical centres are also over subscribed. We are registered with the practice on Northbrook road, where you can wait for over a month for a non emergency appointment
* This land has been designated for sport only and the council has previously made this commitment. As a parent, I would be very disappointed at the further loss of sporting facilities in the area when we are all trying to ensure our children have healthy, active lives
* The proposed size of this development is excessive and completely out of proportion with the local area.