
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2762

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Briege Lawson

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will increase traffic and have an impact on parking on Sharmans Cross road especially with the loss of 70 odd car parking spaces at Arden Club, density is out of scale and proportion with surrounding neighbourhood, Council policy is to retain for sports use and should be maintained for health and well-being benefits, will diminish natural habitats as trees removed, and exacerbate increasing flooding problems.

Full text:

PRoposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to make you aware of a number of strong objections that My husband and I have with regards to the proposed development as a resident of Sharmans Cross Road:

1/ Traffic will increase drastically with the addition of such a large development which in turn will have an impact on parking on Sharmans cross road especially with the loss of 70 odd car parking spaces within the Arden Club.

2/ The traffic will put more pressure on the junction of Sharmans Cross Road with Streetsbrook Road / Stonor Park Road/ Dorchester Road. I have witnessed several near collisions at this juncture already.

2/ 100 dwellings in such a close proximity is not in keeping with the character of our beautiful neighbourhood. I do not feel that the development will fit in with the scale and proportion of surrounding properties.

3/in 2013 SMBC formally agreed that the grounds would be used for sports only and that the freehold would not be sold are they now renaging on this, at a time when obesity in this country is at its highest levels?

4/ I have regular visitors from foxes, hedgehogs in my garden, my worry is that the natural habitat of the local wildlife will deminish especially as mature protected trees will be cut down to make way for this development.

Flooding on Sharmans cross road is an increasing problem, a development of this size can only increase this problem going forward