
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2774

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Eric D Vanes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as results in loss of sporting facilities on site earmarked for sports use at a time when obesity is acknowledged as a growing problem, over intensive density and inclusion of affordable housing makes proposal totally out of character compared with existing area, will increase vehicles accessing Sharmans Cross Road at peak flow times and hazard for children going to/from school, whilst junctions with Streetsbrook Road/Prospect Lane already strained, and on-road parking on nearby roads, and development will worsen drainage problems.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I write to object to the above proposed scheme on the following basis :-.

1. Loss of land available for sporting facilities at a time when obesity is acknowledged as a growing nationwide problem.

2. Was not this parcel of land specifically earmarked for leisure activities? If so how is it that this site is now likely to be considered as a housing development especially as there is a covenant on this land.

3. The building of 100 houses would inevitably be totally out of character with other houses in the vicinity since the density would be so much greater than the existing houses. The inclusion of "affordable houses" would further mark out this site as completely "odd ball" and it would likely include three storied properties.

4. There will be a substantial increase in the number of vehicles entering the busy Sharmans Cross Road, more particularly at peak traffic flow times. This road is already strained both at Streetsbrook road junction and at the Prospect Lane/Danford Lane junction.
Traffic entering Sharmans Cross from the new development will create a particularly dangerous hazard for children making their way to school on that side of the road, on foot or by bicycle.

5. The availability of parking spaces on the site will certainly not be enough for the vehicle requirement. Parking will be sought in nearby roads. On a typical "working day" some 14 vehicles are crammed into the top section of Woodside Way,This situation made worse in recent months by 3 vehicles from Sharmans Cross Road permanently parked, presumably due to insufficient space on their owners' drives or possibly just for convenience in obviating the need to "shuffle"cars around on home territory. This "off-site" parking phenomenon will surely increase given the probable shortfall of spaces on the new development. Vehicles entering Woodside Way from Sharmans Cross Road have but a split second in which to decide to proceed along the road or to wait for oncoming traffic - in so doing they leave little room behind them for other vehicles that may be following. It is potentially fraught with danger if a following vehicle should be brought to a halt but yet still partly on Sharmans Cross.

6. The drainage problems experienced in Sharmans Cross Road are I'm sure well known to the Council members, so I ask the question - Will not this problem inevitably be worsened by this development ?