
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2780

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Louise & David Marklew

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as should be retained as sports facility for community, important to retain green space for recreation, safety and sporting activity, development would destroy character of area, the quality of the environment with TPOs and wildlife habitats, and impact on adjacent residents, and will increase traffic noise and pollution on roads that are already chaotic and dangerous for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

Full text:

LDP -Proposed Housing Allocation 18

We would like to object to the proposed housing development as we believe the area should remain as a sporting facility for the surrounding community.

We think that whilst the government want to increase areas for housing it is more important for green spaces to remain protected for the enjoyment of children and their families as this helps to create a safer neighbourhood to live in. Children in particular need local open spaces to meet friends and enjoy safe sport.

To build 100 homes on the site would destroy the character of the area and block out light for many current home owners. The proposed area is an environment which has many mature trees with preservation orders and is a habitat to many woodland creatures, why destroy it now?

We already have problems with traffic on the Sharmans Cross Road and if this development was to be passed then it would only increase noise and pollution . During peak times in the morning and evenings surrounding roads are already chaotic and at times dangerous not only for motorists but for pedestrians and cyclists too.