
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2783

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: K Vanes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as covenant restricting use of land to sport should be maintained due to shortage of pitches and is only vacant as developer has refused to rent land to clubs, development will be out of keeping with surroundings and will overlook houses, additional traffic will cause further gridlock during peak and school times and aggravate dangerous junction with Streetsbrook Road, will result in further overflow parking in adjoining roads such as Woodside Way, local schools and medical services are already oversubscribed and will struggle to meet demands, and will add to drainage/flooding problems.

Full text:

I am writing to object to LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18. I strongly object to this proposed plan to build 100 houses and relocate the tennis club being put forward as part of the local development plan. My reasons are as follows:-

1. There is a covenant on this land stating it should be used for sporting facilities. As there is a shortage in our borough of land for use by amateur football teams and rugby teams , I think this covenant should be upheld by the council as it did several years ago when Oakmoor previously proposed a building development on this site. I understand they have since refused to rent the land to amateur teams.

2. With 100 proposed houses being built on such a sized plot of land, it will mean some of the properties will be 3 stories high and will overlook houses in the vicinity and will be completely out of keeping with properties in the area.

3. Access of traffic on to Sharmans Cross Road will cause more gridlock of traffic which is already happening during rush hours and school times. The junction of Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road is already a dangerous junction and extra cars will only aggravate the situation.

4. Parking on the adjoining road of Woodside Way is now unacceptable. Fourteen cars are parked there most weekdays which ,makes driving in and out of this road dangerous and also we cannot exit our drive safely as they restrict the view completely of any oncoming traffic. Residents have already complained to the local highways department, without any success. The road is used for overnight parking by residents of Sharmans Cross Road and I am sure this will increase if this building proposal is allowed to go ahead as there will not be enough parking spaces designated for the volume of new homes and Woodside Way will be used for overflow parking for residents and visitors to this new development.

5. The local Doctors and schools are already oversubscribed and will struggle to cope with an increase in demand.

6. The houses in Sharmans Cross Road opposite this development and also our back garden have problems with excess water and flooding in their back gardens and any extra building will only add to this problem.