
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2789

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Dr P J M Sloan

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as no infant school provision within 1 mile and there are no places available for older children at any level, no spare capacity at medical facilities, site poorly served by public transport, additional population will exacerbate severe traffic congestion and pollution especially during peak times and at Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road junction, will increase parking in nearby roads, further loss of sporting pitches when provision in Borough is poor and site is close to town centre, and site does not meet accessibility criteria.

Full text:

Oakmoor/Solihull Arden Club Land at former rugby club on Sharmans Cross Road LDP proposed housing allocation 18

I am writing to object to the proposed development plan. With my wife I have lived in Woodside Way, 200 yards from the proposed development, for 26 years and therefore have considerable local knowledge.
My objections centre on the deleterious effects of the increased population density and loss of sporting facilities.
1. Children in the proposed area have no infant school within 1 mile and older children have, currently, no places available at any level
2. Local GP surgeries have no spare capacity for extra patients.
3. The area is poorly served by local transport.
4. Traffic congestion is severe, at present,particularly between7.30 and 9.30 AM with a bottleneck at the Sharmans Cross Rd. and Streetsbrook Rd. junction. The extra cars will exacerbate this and increase further the air pollution caused by slowly moving traffic.
5. Parking on nearby roads especially Woodside Way, which has been rendered effectively a one way road because of commuter parking at the Sharmans Cross end, is already a problem and the proposed development would only make this worse.
6. The further loss of sporting pitches is to be deplored particularly when the boroughwide provision of pitches is already poor. Once pitches such as these are lost they will be unable to be regained. These pitches are particularly close to the centre of Solihull and easily accessible to many people.
7. The NPPF requires developments to have access to amenities within 800 metres/10 minutes walk. The site is 1700 metres from Solihull town centre and 1000 metres from the station so these criteria are not met.
Can you please acknowledge receipt of this objection,