
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2791

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Frances Friel

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as not consistent with character of the area, upheaval, traffic and trauma of development would greatly affect residents backing onto site in Winterbourne Road, many of whom are elderly, additional vehicles will exacerbate existing heavy traffic on Dorchester Road/Streetsbrook Road, create health and safety issue for local school children, school is already oversubscribed so how and where will children be educated, land should be retained for sporting purposes for community, and affordable housing element will not meet family's needs.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to object to the proposed development of building 100 homes on land adjacent to Sharman's Cross Road.

I have been a resident of Winterbourne Road for over 20 years and feel this development will not be consistent with the character of the area. I am also concerned for the well being of my elderly neighbours, many of whom have lived in these homes since they were built. I would be on the opposite side of the road to this development but the upheaval, traffic and trauma would greatly affect my neighbours.

I am particularly concerned with the additional traffic this development could create. Traffic currently in and out of Dorchester Road and Streetsbrook Road is already very heavy and any additional housing will automatically greatly increase this problem. I feel this would be a health and safety issue for our local school children accessing the already oversubscribed Sharman's Cross Junior School - again, has consideration been given to how and where the children of the proposed new site would be educated.

When we moved into Winterbourne Road we were attracted to the local tennis and rugby clubs close by and feel strongly that this land should once again be developed as sporting facilities for the community.

Finally, I am told a number of these homes will be allocated as housing association 'affordable homes'. As a parent of 4 young adults I am well aware my children will not possibly be able to afford homes near to my own. However, I am also well aware my children will not be eligible for any of the 'affordable homes' being made available on this new site.