
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2799

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Linda Parsons

Representation Summary:

Object to development of Site 9 for housing/new school as together with Site 8 will mean at least 2000 more people and their cars which will increase trafficand impact on environment in Knowle village and along Station Road, parking and medical services will be inadequate, character of village will be changed for the worse, and results in Solihull Mind losing most of their current space negating good work undertaken over 20 years undermining mental health provision.

Full text:

Site 9 development

I am unable to send the form back but append my comments below.

I do not agree that Site 9 should be developed for housing/new school.

Combined with the Hampton Road site the increase in houses and consequent numbers of adults and children and their
cars would mean at least 2000 more people in the area and at least 1000 more cars. It is therefore completely implausable for SMBC to state on their plan for Site 9 that it avoids intrusion into the Conservation Area in Knowle village, Just because the houses are not actually located in the Conservation Area does not mean that there is no impact. What about the increase in traffic in the village and along Station Road? Where are all these people going to park their cars? What about GP provision? The village will be irreversably changed for the worse.

The mental health charity Solihull Mind has expressed concern that the plans indicate that they will lose most of their current space which will negate all their good work of the last 20 years and reduce or even destroy what they can offer. I share their concerns. If their land is taken I would regard this as a barometer of how poorly mental health provision is regarded.

This plan should be rejected in view of the environmental impact of cars and people on the village of Knowle.

I terms of the wider Draft Local Plan, why is there vacant office space in Solihull? Vacant office space and shops vacant for over a year should be converted into dwellings by compulsion.