
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2804

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Andrew Harries

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion, pollution and accident risk in Sharmans Cross Road at Streetsbrook Road and Woodlea Drive junctions and into Solihull especially at peak times during school terms, and congestion and risk on Streetsbrook Road in Birmingham direction in evening peak with use of service road by speeding vehicles to jump queues.

Full text:

Please accept this email as my objection to the above proposed development.

I am very concerned about the existing levels of traffic in the area and in particular from around 7.30 a.m. (in School term times) in the morning the traffic queues from before the junction with Beaumont Grove all the way into Solihull and this can add up to 15 minutes onto journey time. The position is even worse if there is adverse weather conditions. There is in particular a bottleneck in the area where the Sharmans Cross Road and Stonor Park Road meet the Streetsbrook Road. To place another 100 homes close to this area is only going to make the existing traffic problems much worse and also have a detrimental pollution impact on the environment.

In addition to the above congestion please also be aware that at further down the Sharmans Cross Road around the junction with Woodlea drive for about 30 minutes before and after school times the road gets parked up and very busy with parents taking their children to and from school. I have always felt that this area is an accident waiting to happen as the measures to protect parents and children crossing the road are inadequate. A lot of people speed down that road.

I further raise concerns on the additional pressures that will be placed on the Streetsbrook Road heading towards Birmingham from mid afternoon onwards as this road tends to back up from the St Bernards Roundabout back past Woodlea Drive. You have already received concerns from our us and our neighbours about the dangerous practise of some drivers using the slip road on which we live as a cut through to get further along the traffic cue. Some of these drivers use excessive speed and I fear for local residents as it is and in particular those who have small children. Further increases in house volumes in the local area will only increase these traffic pressures and the safety risks.

I should be grateful if you would take my above objections into account in your deliberations regarding the proposals for the development.