
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2824

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Amanda Jenkins

Representation Summary:

Disagree with Neighbourhood Forum representation as additional housing is required and some should be in Knowle, it makes sense that this should be built closer to the village centre and if the outcome is a new school for the future of the KDBH area then a legacy will be built rather than a development, social housing is part of any new development, but number of homes to be provided needs to be managed.

Full text:

KDBH Neighbourhood Plan

We were unable to attend the meeting at Arden tonight due to how early it was.
I have read the draft review and would like to make it clear that this does not represent my view. It obviously has a real bias representing people who are unable to move on and accept change.
It is clear, additional housing is required and that some of that should be in Knowle. It makes sense that this should be built closer to the village centre and if the offset of that is a new school for the future of the KDBH area then a legacy will be built rather than a development. The houses will be built either way. We need to ensure that we get support to absorb that housing. Having social housing is part and parcel of any new development. I found that paragraph of the report deeply shocking.

What does need to be managed is the number of homes built.

I do feel that this draft is not representative of the future of the KDBH area.
Had I have seen this draft in sufficient time, I would have made sure I was at the meeting to voice my objections but we only received this after school today. Why was it issued so late?? To limit objections as it was objectionable. The whole tone was unsavoury.