
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2825

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Andrew Robbins

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as involves loss of sporting facilities and green space when there is a covenant for sports use and demand from a neighbouring club, unacceptable overdevelopment completely out of character with area and location, will exacerbate traffic and parking in already busy area increasing danger to pedestrians, schoolchildren and cyclists especially at peak times, and flooding in area, and will cause serious difficulties to Arden club through loss of parking and open outdoor aspect of club which could result in decline in membership and ultimate closure and loss of recreational facility.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With regard to the Local Development Plan of a development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, as a local resident I strongly object to the proposals. I have a number of issues which concern me, the main points being:

1. Loss of sporting facilities and green land - as Solihull continues to grow, the sporting facilities should grow with it and not be reduced. This proposal is a further loss of green land and reduced recreational facilities in the centre of Solihull. I understand that there is a sporting covenant on the former rugby club pitches which should be honoured, especially as I understand there is demand for use of the pitches by the neighbouring football club.

2. Scale & Density - The proposed development of 100 houses is an unacceptable overdevelopment of the site which is completely out of character with the surrounding area and inappropriate for the location.

3. Traffic issues / Access & Egress - The area is already busy with traffic and the addition of a significant number of dwellings will compound the situation. This will increase danger to pedestrians and cyclists especially around the morning 'rush hour' and at the Sharmans Cross Junior and Secondary Schools start and finish times.

4. Parking - this is already an issue at school drop-off and pick-up times. Also side roads and the old rugby club ground are being used by local businesses and train station users. This situation will only get worse with the cramped new development proposed.

5. Flooding - This is already an issue in the area as I have highlighted in previous letters to the council. The situation will only get worse with the proposed development.

6. Solihull Arden Rackets Club - The club (of which I am a member) currently enjoys an agreement for parking with the rugby club. The loss of this parking for the rackets club would cause serious difficulties which would compound the above mentioned traffic and parking issues. In addition I fear that a housing development would change the present 'open & healthy outdoor' feel of the club to an 'enclosed overlooked & cramped' environment which could result in the loss of many of its members and ultimately the closure of the club. This would then compound the loss of green land and further reduce the recreational facilities in the centre of Solihull.

In summary I consider the proposed development not in the interest of Solihull or any of the residents and I urge the council to reject this proposal.