
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2838

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Gillian Tune

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion and pollution at peak periods, additional traffic on top of nearby developments will cause gridlock especially at Streetsbrook Road junction, traffic and parking could result in danger to pedestrians especially school children, increase pressure on already oversubscribed school and medical services, and previous proposals have been rejected as this is a designated sports ground that should be retained for sporting use.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to register my objection to the proposed development on the rugby ground in Sharmans Cross Road for the following reasons.

1. Any development on this site will cause a considerable increase in traffic and pollution in an area, which is already highly congested at
peak periods.

2. Access into and out of the site onto Sharmans Cross Road will cause gridlock, especially at the junction with Streetsbrook Road. As
the amount of traffic will have already increased by the development of the old Woolmans Nursery site in Solihull Road.

3. I consider there could be a potential danger to pedestrians, especially unaccompanied school children travelling to Sharmans Cross
School. Parent parking already already causes chaos as this is also a main bus route.

4. This development will undoubtedly put further pressure and already oversubscribed school and medical services.

5. It is understood that previous applications to develop this site have either been refused or withdrawn as this is a designated sports
ground and should not be used for private development.