
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2844

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: David White

Representation Summary:

Whilst no objection to more houses in Balsall Common, should not cram in too many houses between village and HS2 line, access to Site 1 should not be from Meeting House Lane as this would lead to accidents/congestion, but better from Old Waste Lane, larger and safer parking area in Station Road is required and should make provision for elderly persons accommodation.

Full text:

I have no objection to the building of more houses in B.C. but making access to Barratt's farm area from narrow Meeting House Lane is asking for accidents and congestion to take place. Surely this would be better place form Old Waste Lane area.
Shopping in Station Road is extremely dangerous now, unless a larger parking area is provided we can be certain of more accidents taking place.
We hear a lot of insufficient accommodation for elderly people what is included in this area?
Building so near to the proposed HS2 line makes little sense when there is so much room the other side of the line that cramming in so many houses in the farm is the only solution.