
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2847

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Sue Clements

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 due to loss of sports facility when community should be being encouraged to be more active/healthy, would reverse previous decisions to retain in sports use, added traffic will increase congestion over a wide area at peak times, and one of few green spaces still remaining in central Solihull.

Full text:

Concerns about the loss of sports ground at Sharmans Cross

I wish to voice great concerns over the possible loss of the sports area at Sharmans Cross next to the Arden Club, at a time when we should be looking at more ways to get our community more interested in a healthier life style. Although not an immediate resident (I live by Tudor Grange school), and I know more houses are needed in Solihull, the reversal of previous promises made makes me worried about what else may be reversed in the future. In 2013, there was a policy supported by all parties not to sell the freehold or lift the covenant that the grounds should only be used for sports purposes. Therefore, please confirm that our councillors will honour these promises and ensure these policies for the old Rugby Ground will remain in place.

The added traffic will cause congestion and affect a wide area at rush hour, as the development at West Warwicks has proven. So, please protect the few green spaces we still have in Solihull central area.