
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2878

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Pat Cropper

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- ALTClub Ltd is freeholder of club land, as intimated, will be asked to exchange it for a piece leasehold land on which a new club will be built, we will become asset less
- proposal has been described as being 'dense'
- contrary to Sport England Policy of retaining all sporting land,
- Parking spaces are already at a premium, will result in parking problems
- many members would leave Solihull Arden rendering this prestigious club unviable
- TPOs
- not accessible to/from PT

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18


I am a very long standing member of Solihull Arden Club and, as such, wish to express my objections to the proposed LDP for the following reasons -

1. Arden Lawn Tennis Club Ltd holds the freehold of the land on which the club stands and if, as has been intimated, we will be asked to exchange it for a piece leasehold land on which a new club will be built, we will become asset less - is this a fair and sensible idea?
2.The proposal to build 100 houses on the club's present land has been described as being 'dense' by a top house building company and as such the noise and drainage issues that will arise will be grossly unfair to the local residents with whom we currently enjoy excellent relationships.
3. As Solihull is low down the list of 16+ residents who partake in sporting activities we should not be even considering losing any sporting land especially as it is contrary to Sport England Policy of retaining all such land, this must be a key consideration in making your decision.
4. Parking spaces are already at a premium most weekday evenings/nights and indeed during daytime hours with all the activities that currently use the club facilities, as well as daytime member usage, any reduction in parking spaces will result in parking problems on Sharman's Cross Road. Again, causing problems for our neighbours and could even be a danger to many of our young users.
5. It is highly likely that, as there are four other rackets clubs within the borough, many members would leave Solihull Arden rendering this prestigious club unviable, should this proposal go ahead.
6. The plans state that amenities, such as transport are within the required distance from the club, this is not true. The train station is significantly further away than stated, doctors surgeries are full to capacity as are the nearby schools and indeed will require parents to transport children by road, again causing more traffic problems in the area. The local shopping centre is also further away than indicated.
7. Sollhull MBC have always been very strict in retaining trees that have TPO's on them and thus helping keep the borough green and the wild life happy. This proposal will mean losing many of the TPO trees, which is against that which we, as Solihull residents, have always admired about our borough council.

Finally, I wish to strongly object to the LDP, proposed Housing Allocation 18 and to ask SMBC to rejection it without further consideration.