
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2879

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Nigel Canning

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection principally on the ground that it will lead a loss of the sports ground/facilities.
I represent Solihull FC based at the Silhillians Sports Club in Solihull where we have 26 youth football teams but next season will exceed the capacity of the site and need additional pitch capacity to facilitate the growth of the club. We are a charter standard club and expect to need a home for 6 - 8 teams that cannot be accommodated at our current location.
covenant in place which restricts the land use to sporting/recreation only.
refers to the playing pitch strategy.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to record my objection to the inclusion of the site at Sharmans Cross Road being including in the LDP.

I am a member of the Solihull Arden Club and a local resident living on Dorchester Road.

According to Council document this land has a covenant that restricts its use to that for sports use only and it is therefore totally inappropriate to be considered for inclusion in any non-sports related development and therefore the LDP.

The following details have all been extracted directly from the SOLIHULL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY

Any non-sports related development is in direct conflict with the councils commitment to providing sports facilities to its citizens and will inhibit the delivery of the objectives of the councils health and well-being strategy. Providing alternative pitches elsewhere will incur travel which again is working against other council strategies.


Under the promoting healthy communities theme, it is set out that planning policies should be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the needs for open space, sports and recreation facilities and opportunities for new provision. Specific needs and quantitative and qualitative deficiencies and surpluses in local areas should also be identified. This information should be used to inform what provision is required in an area

As a prerequisite the NPPF states existing open space, sports and recreation sites, including playing fields, should not be built on unless:
< An assessment has been undertaken, which has clearly shown the site to be surplus to requirements.
< The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location.
< The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss.

In order for planning policies to be "sound‟ local authorities are still required to carry out a robust assessment of need for open space, sport and recreation facilities. We advocate that the methodology to undertake such assessments should still be informed by best practice including Sport England‟s Towards a Level Playing Field (TALPF) and PPG17. Despite the latter being replaced by the NPPF it still offers relevant guidance on undertaking a needs assessment; which can be enhanced by our own expert understanding and knowledge in this area.

A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England
It is Sport England‟s policy to object to any planning application, which will result in the loss of a playing field, unless it meets one of five exceptions as defined in A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England. Protection of playing fields was further enhanced in 1998 with Circular 9/98 (replaced in 2009 by Circular 02/09) which stipulates that where a local authority is minded to grant planning permission against Sport England‟s advice on land owned by a local authority or used for educational purposes, then the application should be referred to the relevant Government Office for possible „call in‟.

As a statutory consultee for the loss of playing fields, Sport England is a key partner. Regional planning officers should be kept informed of developing projects/schemes and can provide essential guidance and advice throughout the process, not just at planning application stage.

It is likely that for some sports, particularly football, that the provision of new pitches and facilities will be required in the future to support the predicted future demand.

Sport Future development trend Strategy impact
Football The needs of the game will change significantly from the 2013/14 season with the implementation of the FA Youth Development Review. As a result, pitch demands in the Borough will change. This could also see changes in the seasonal demand of pitches (youth football). Consider re-allocating leases to Charter Standard clubs with a large number of teams.
Assist as appropriate, clubs to identify facility development opportunities.
Work with clubs in relation to their pitch demands as a result of the FA Youth Development Review.

Management objective (t) - Adopt a Community Asset Transfer Policy
The Council should adopt a policy, which supports community management and ownership of assets to local clubs, community groups and trusts. This presents sports clubs and national governing bodies with opportunities to take ownership of their own facilities; it may also provide non-asset owning sports clubs with their first chance to take on a building.

Site KKP ref Management Issue to be resolved Recommended actions Tier Priority
Sharman‟s Cross Road 55 Solihull Borough Council Site provides one senior rugby union pitch which is not currently available for community use (although there is space on site to accommodate two senior rugby union pitches), sports pavilion (comprising four changing rooms) and car parking. The pitch should be brought back into community use to help address the current and future shortfall of rugby union pitches in Solihull.
Alternatively, any mitigation for the loss of playing field should seek to fund improvements to sites with rugby provision in the Central Area to help increase playing capacity and thus help to address the current and future shortfall of rugby union pitches.

Sharman's Cross Road, Solihull
The site was used by the senior teams of Birmingham and Solihull Rugby Club (prior to the club going into liquidation) and comprises one senior rugby pitch (although there is space on site to accommodate two), brick built pavilion (comprising four changing rooms) and car parking. The pitch is owned by Solihull Borough Council and the access road and car parking at the site was owned by the Club but sold to a housing developer in 2009/2010. The housing developer has submitted a planning application to build a retirement village on the site.
At present, there is no community use of the site. However, there has been demand expressed locally for usage of the site. It is understood there is a covenant on the land for sporting use.

I request the council confirms it has;
1. completed all of the above assessments
2. that Sport England as the key partner has been fully consulted and what their decision was
3. If the council intends to go against Sport England's advice the application will be referred to the relevant Government Office
4. The council can explain why land it owns that has a covenant restricting its use to that of sports usage can be "purchased" by a property developer and not revert back to the council for allocation to the next sporting club that needs the land to deliver its clubs plans and development
5. that the council will not renege on its previous policy of not selling the freehold for sites where grounds are only for sport
6. that the council is committed to its statutory requirement that any lost pitches are replaced with facilities of equivalent quality and accessibility

I am aware that over the last few years a number of sports clubs have enquired on the availability of the ground for their use to deliver sports to the community but the developer has either refused to engage in any dialog or suggested astronomical lease costs

I represent Solihull FC which is based at the Silhillians Sports Club in Solihull where we have 26 youth football teams but next season will exceed the capacity of the site and need additional pitch capacity to facilitate the growth of the club. We are a charter standard club and expect to need a home for 6 - 8 teams that cannot be accommodated at our current location. These teams will include open age adult football which we don't currently have but have been asked to concentrate on this offering by Birmingham FA when we submitted our 5 year football development plans and I expect we can work with the FA to gain financial support for the site development.

I have the backing and support of the existing local residents that fully support the site remains available for sports use

I also wish to register my concern for the other 4 sports grounds that are included in the proposal and are at risk from the LDP