
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2880

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: B B Tran

Representation Summary:

Objecting on the following grounds:
- accessibility (not compliant with P7)
- suitability/sustainability of the development
- increased traffic
- permanent loss of sporting facility
- parking
- restrictions on the land

Full text:

Objection to LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

To Whom It May Concern
Reviewing the Plan for Solihull's Future Solihull Local Plan Review Draft Local Plan
LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Sharmans Cross Road Solihull
I strongly object to the above mentioned planning proposal.
First of all the proposal by Oakmoor - The Developers is not compliant with Planning Policy P7
The developers - Oakmoor - in their submission (on the website) specifically state that the
distance to the Station is 700m when in fact it is 1000m or more. In addition to this with the
SMBC policy to move the Station to Monkspath Hall Road car park which is well over 1500m.
Oakmoor also state the Town Centre is 1km walk when in fact it is 1700m from the centre of the
site to Touchwood.
Clearly this site is further away than the 800m requirement to be defined as accessible.
Furthermore existing Public Transport provisions do not meet the 'accessibility' criteria. Oakmoor
suggest this criteria is met by bus services nos. 3, S3 and S3W. In fact these provide a half hourly
service Monday to Saturday and hourly on Sundays. It clearly does not meet the 'every 15minutes'
/'frequency' criteria.
Also there are surgeries within 1500m and no direct bus access. The nearest Primary school is
over 1500m away, the Junior School is over subscribed as a result some children would have to
be driven long distances to schools further away. Secondary schools are also over 1500m away
and also oversubscribed.
Clearly this site is too far away from Solihull Train Station and Town Centre, public transport
provision is not frequent and other facilities are not in walking distance. So this proposal fails all
these 'accessible' criteria:
Sustainable / Suitability
I also strongly object to the proposed site capacity of 100 houses. This is a very much higher
density than currently in the immediate surrounding area. The high density suggests that
development will include more than 2 stories buildings. This is not in keeping with the local area.
This leads to loss of privacy, loss of light and overshadowing.
This proposal clearly fails Policy P15 Securing Design Quality. It is not sustainable.
All development proposals will be expected to contribute to, or create, high quality places and spaces which have
regard to local distinctiveness to achieve high quality, inclusive and sustainable design. Proposals will be expected to
meet the following key principles:
* Conserves and enhances local character, distinctiveness and streetscape quality and ensures that the scale, massing,
density, layout, territory (including space between buildings), materials and landscape of the development respect the
surrounding natural, built and historic environment;
This proposal is totally unacceptable. It is too densely populated, not in keeping with the area. It
fails local policy. It is totally inappropriate and not suitable for this site.
It should be rejected.
Increased traffic
The current traffic on Sharmans Cross Road junction with Streetbrook Road is already gridlocked
in the morning (from 7:45am to 9:00 am). The development in this proposal will lead to an
increased amount of traffic moving in/out of the site. In the morning the increased traffic will most
likely be turning right towards Streetbrook Road increasing the gridlock on the road. The
increased traffic and pollution will have a serious effect on highway safety. It will increase the
danger to pedestrians in particular it will endanger school children going to and from Sharmans
Cross Junior School. Furthermore this area is a designated cycle route; the increased traffic will be
a danger to cyclists.
This proposal will have serious negative effect on highway safety - Increase traffic, increase
pollution, increase road gridlock, danger to pedestrians and danger to cyclists. I strongly object to
this proposal.
It should be rejected.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities
This proposal will also destroy perfectly good playing pitch on the site. This will have a negative
impact on the health and wellbeing of the local residents. It clearly fails Policy P18 Health and
Policy P18 Health and Wellbeing.
* Supporting the retention and protection of facilities which promote healthy
lifestyles such as open space, including public rights of way to open space,
playing pitches and allotments;
The loss of existing sports facilities where there is already a shortage is detrimental to the
community. This proposal cannot go ahead.
It must be rejected.
This proposal will lead to increased street parking on Sharmans Cross Road. Street parking is
already chaotic during peak times with the school and sporting ground. This proposal will
exacerbate congestion and safety due to the increased street parking.
This proposal creates danger for Pedestrians and Cyclist alike and should be rejected.
Use of land
SMBC formally minuted in 2013 its policy with regard to the use of the grounds only for sport and
that they would not sell the freehold. This development with its destruction of the sport ground
should not be included in the LDP.
With so many objection points and so many negatives this development will bring, it cannot and
must not go ahead.
I urge you to reject this development proposal.