
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2892

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Nicola Cleaver

Representation Summary:

Site 2 Objection
- as it means releasing land from the green belt.
- insufficient consideration given to brownfield land/site elsewhere in the borough in preparing the DLP
- negative impact on BC and the settlement
- pressure on existing infrastructure

Full text:

With reference to the consultation in respect of the draft Solihull Local Plan, I object to the inclusion of land identified as Ref 1, 2 and 3 in the Schedule of Allocated Housing Sites for the following reasons:

1. Green Belt - the land is within the existing Green Belt and whilst the NPPF indicates that Green Belt boundaries can be altered through the preparation and review of Local Plans, it also makes it clear that this is only in exceptional circumstances. In my submission, the circumstances here are not exceptional.
2. Alternative sites - I consider there to be suitable alternative sites elsewhere in the Borough that can accommodate a development of this scale. In particular, I am not convinced that the Borough Council has adequately addressed how it can maximise the use of previously developed land before then considering altering the Green Belt boundary. One of the purposes of Green Belt is to assist in urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict land. In my view, the Council is taking the easy option by seeking to allocate this site ahead of maximising brownfield sites
3. Countryside - one of the purposes of Green Belt is to safeguard the countryside from encroachment. A development of this scale and on these sites would have a significant adverse effect on the countryside setting of Balsall Common and would be contrary to the principles of Green Belt policy in the NPPF.
4. Infrastructure - any development for up to 800 houses in this location would put an unacceptable strain on local infrastructure. Roads, schools, GP's surgery etc are already at or near capacity and a development of this scale in this rural setting will have an unacceptable impact that is unlikely to be adequately mitigated.

For the above reasons, I urge the Council to reject the allocation of these sites.

I would like to be kept informed of progress with the Local Plan.