
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2907

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Sylvia Gardiner

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection
- negative impact on the health and well being of the local population
- unfair amount of housing allocated to Shirley
- The plans to build 41% of houses in South Shirley will effect:
* A loss of natural environment
* An increase in traffic and pollution.
* Policing
* Schools
* Open space for all to enjoy
* Doctors surgeries

Full text:

Allocation 13
I wish to raise my disapproval of so many houses being built in this area. While I fully appreciate the need for more houses, I feel strongly, Shirley is being asked to take more than its fair share of the planning (41%). South Shirley green belt is heavily used and enjoy by dog walkers, children, runners, ramblers and cyclists. If the council take all the fields, so much enjoyed by the residence, and forces all the activities on to the already busy streets: it will be to the detriment of health. I ask you to consider how much open space there is in Shirley. Already Shirley Park (a very heavily subscribed park) has been eroded for shops and flats. Green lane Park is really hardly fit for purpose and that would only leave Bills Wood which is hardly a safe haven for children to play in, although very popular with walkers.
The social and physical actives, the Shirley residence enjoy, on the green belt will be a devastating loss for hundreds of people.
The plans to build 41% of houses in South Shirley will effect:
* A loss of natural environment
* An increase in traffic and pollution.
* Policing
* Schools
* Open space for all to enjoy
* Doctors surgeries
I urge you to revalue the impact to the community, who you represent, and at least leave a few fields for them to enjoy.