
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2908

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Sam Robbins

Representation Summary:

reasons given are:
- lack of suitability of development with the area
- traffic and pollution will be increased as a result of the development
- issues surrounding parking will be increased.
- loss of sporting facilities will be permanent
- flooding is a problem when there is heavy rainfall
- social infrastructure is already over-subscribed

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to register my objection to the proposed Local Development Plan of a development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, for the following reasons:

1. Lack of Suitability - The development would be very much out of character of the neighbourhood and is out of scale and inappropriate
2. Traffic and Pollution - Sharmans Cross Road is already gridlocked between 8 and 9am. The proposed development will only compound the traffic and associated pollution problems and increase danger to pedestrians & cyclists
3. Parking - this is already a problem in Sharmans Cross Road at peak times, during school start and finish times and when sporting fixtures take place. A new development will only make the situation worse
4. Permanent loss of Sporting Facilities - Solihull should be looking to increase facilities, not reduce them. Sport England has found that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over-16 participation in sport three times per week and continues to fall in the national league tables
5. Flooding - is already a problem when there is heavy rainfall. The development will worsen this problem.
6. Schools and medical centres - are already oversubscribed. The proposed development will once again compound these problems.

I urge the council to reject this proposal.